
You can go to any pharmacy in the Hospitality Rx network. Some of the network pharmacies are:

Remember: CVS is NOT in-network for Hospitality Plan participants.

Find a pharmacy near you

Pharmacy benefits

Your pharmacy benefits are provided by Hospitality Rx. You can visit the Hospitality Rx website for information about your benefits.

Your pharmacy costs

Prescription drug feature Silver Plus and Gold Plus
Generic and Some Brand Drugs $5 copay per prescription
Preferred Drugs $15 copay per prescription
Non-Preferred Drugs $30 copay per prescription
Select Specialty and Select Biosimilar Drugs $5 copay per prescription
Brand name specialty or biosimilar drugs on the formulary
  • Generic: $5 copay per prescription
  • Brand name: 25% coinsurance
Mail order Same copay as above for 60-day supply

Diabetic supplies

You can get diabetic supplies from any in-network retail pharmacy, or by mail order. You can also get 1 free glucometer each year. A glucometer is a tool to test the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood.

You can choose your free glucometer from 1 of the options below:

FreeStyle Glucometer

  1. You’ll receive a voucher in the mail within 2-5 business days (via USPS)
  2. You must also have your doctor send a prescription to the pharmacy.
  3. Go to a pharmacy to pick up the meters (with voucher and prescription).

OneTouch Glucometer

  • Take your glucometer prescription to an in-network pharmacy, along with the following information (or this voucher):
    • Free LifeScan OneTouch Glucometer
    • BIN: 601341
    • RxPCN: OHS
    • Group ID#: OH6504161

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