
Find a dentist

Find a dentist based on your dental plan. If you don’t know your dental plan, call us at 855-405-3863.

Dental benefits

Dental benefits are provided by Delta Dental of Illinois. Your dental plan options depend on your Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and your enrollment selection.

Call us at 855-405-3863 if you’e not sure which dental plan you are in. We offer the DeltaCare DHMO and Delta Dental PPO plans.

DeltaCare DHMO Delta Dental PPO
Your dentist You can only go to your assigned dentist. You can go to any dentist you want. But, you’ll save money if you go to a dentist in the Delta Dental PPO or Delta Dental Premier network.
Yearly deductible No deductible.
  • $50 single.
  • $150 family.
Yearly maximum No maximum
  • $2,000 per person each calendar year.
  • Does not apply to exams for patients under age 19.
What you pay
  • You only pay your copay for each service.
  • There are no copays for routine cleanings, exams, and x-rays.
  • You pay your deductible (if needed) and your coinsurance.
  • There is no coinsurance or deductible for routine cleanings, exams, and x-rays.
Who's covered? Participants and their eligible dependents. Participants and their eligible dependents.
Specialists You must get a referral from your primary dentist to see specialists. You can see a specialist without a referral.

Children and adults can get braces.

You pay:

  • $1,700 for children under the age of 19.
  • $1,900 for adults age 19 and older.

The Plan will only cover braces once for each person during their whole life.

  • Children and adults can get braces.
  • The Plan pays half of the allowed costs, up to $2,500 total.
  • $2,500 is the most the Plan will pay for each person during their whole life.
  • You are responsible for the rest of the costs.